ICE – Superheroes of Automation

Communication of hr campaign

ICE is a leading consulting and constructing company in the domain of industrial automation. Even these serious and at the first glance

dry corporate sector deserves a particular visual approach for which we were employed by their CEO Tomáš Vránek.



authenticity – values – employee – superheroes


The intent of the campaign was to present the real employees of the company ICE as the superheroes of the given field.

Everything was evocating the air of authenticity, which is the key value of the firm ICE, as in their HR campaigns.


This is how the key visual of the long-term HR campaign of the company came about.







Each of the chosen employees was drawn with adequate realism as a real-life hero – the employee of ICE and depicted in a way,

that represented the particular role that was characteristic for them and had a testimony value for the potential candidates for jobs in ICE.







The visuals were made to fulfil multiple functions on the web and social platforms, as well as in real life in the format of printed material and billboards.

The HR activity of ICE pertained mainly to the long-term campaigns for LinkedIn, attractive appeal on fairs and the branding of the workplace.

Some of the printed material was life-scale and some even larger than life.









A part of the creative process is the search for alternatives. Not only content, composition but also color and other details.

Sometimes the process changes the motif through the initial designs that the client evaluates when they see it for the first time.







A part of the creation of the visual style of the HR campaign are also alternatives that were given to the client as different choices.







The final solution of the visual for the HR campaign.